Under the picture below is a download link so you can print the verse.
Version of the verse is World English Bible, public domain.

matthew_28_verse_6_web.pdf |
An Easter verse in an easy-to-learn visual format. Under the picture below is a download link so you can print the verse. Version of the verse is World English Bible, public domain. ![]()
This has always been a fun event in our household. Email me your favorite and I'll post some on the Memory Icons Facebook page. "Like" Memory Icons on Facebook to get the posts.
Trader Joe's is a grocery store where I live and if you are fortunate enough, where you live too.
They are always serving samples using their products to come up with easy, yummy meals. This is one of their super simple 4-ingredient recipes packed with flavor. You can substitute similar ingredients, if necessary. Get your soup pot out, place the following ingredients into it, and heat until meatballs are hot on a medium heat. 32 ounce container of Organic Beef Broth 14.5 ounce can of Organic Tomatoes Diced and Fire Roasted with organic green chilies 1 package (16 oz) Multigrain Blend with Vegetables, comes fully cooked 1 package (20 oz) Party Size Mini Meatballs, comes fully cooked You can serve with a crusty bread and butter for a warm winter meal. By memorizing God's word we will be prepared to give anyone the reason for our hope in Christ Jesus. Photo credit goes to my talented son.
Alison HansThis site is my answer to the question, "What are you going to do after home-schooling?" I knew God would have a plan to fill my heart's desires. . .He always does. My joy is found in being a wife and mom of two high-schoolers. Hailing from Canada 20+ years ago I will most likely be found wearing flip-flops, loving the warm Southern California weather. ![]() I have also designed and developed another site called:
WhatGivesMeHope.com. The Gospel message via a QR code. Archives
November 2015